مرطب شفايف

It’s a 100% natural lip balm made of a combination of natural ingredients that provides protection and repair for damaged lips, Such as Shea butter, Mango butter, and Cacao butter, those ingredients are rich with flavinoids, vitamins & omega 3,6, which is essential for the health of your lips. Avocado oil is a great moisturizer, that deeply hydrates your dry lips. Multivitamins such as F, A, and E, polyphenols, flavonoids, and amino acids play very important roles as anti-oxidants and detoxify the cells to rejuvenate. It’s naturally made eco-friendly.

It’s an amazing oil to apply to your face and neck night routine, to enrich, moisturize and fight free radicals. the presence of polyphenols and flavonoids works to reset and regenerate our dermal cells.

it includes more than 50% organic recycling by-product oils.


METHOD OF APPLICATION: Apply in to lips every time it needs.